Boyolali (ANTARA) - The Mount Merbabu National Park Center (BTNGMb) is reopening two hiking trails of the volcano located at the borders of Semarang, Magelang, and Boyolali districts, Central Java Province, for climbers and tourists.
Out of the existing five climbing routes to the top of Mount Merbabu, only two were opened, starting June 14, 2021, amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Head of BTNGMb Junita Parjanti stated here on Monday.
The Suwanting hiking trail in Suwanting Hamlet, Banyuroto Village, Sawangan Sub-district, and the Wekas route in Pakis Sub-district, both in Magelang District had been reopened.
The three hiking trails that remain closed are the Cunthel route in Cunthel Hamlet, Kopeng Village, Getasan Sub-district, and Thekelan route in Kopeng Village, Getasan Sub-district, both in Semarang District and the Selo route in Genting Hamlet, Tarubatang Village, in Boyolali District.
However, climbing activities should be conducted with compliance to stringent health protocols in addition to quotas being met as well as the registration conducted through online bookings.
"We also set a limit on the visitor quota to a maximum of 30 percent of the normal carrying capacity of the hiking trails,” she pointed out.
“Online registration is available on the website ''," she stated.
Hikers keen to trek Mt Merbabu must show the results of their antigen rapid tests or GeNose that are still valid as a precautionary measure against the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
However, Parjanti admitted to a technical problem in the online booking process.
"We apologize, and we will continue to make efforts to address it," she emphasized.
Climbers and tourists are also reminded to help preserve the volcanic environment and adjoining areas.
Hiking trails to the top of Mount Merbabu have been closed since the COVID-19 pandemic struck in March 2020. (INE)
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