Surakarta, Central Java (ANTARA) - The Tour de Borobodur XXI bicycle race, which was flagged off from Fort Vastenburg in Surakarta, Central Java, is a momentum amid preparations for reopening the province to tourists, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo has said.
"We must maintain our health as the race track spans over 117 kilometers," he observed in Surakarta, Central Java.
The participants of the race included Pranowo, Central Java Police officials, and Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka. Central Java police chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi flagged off the race.
The Tour de Borobudur XXI finish line is located in Borobudur Temple, Magelang district, around 117 kilometers from the starting point in Fort Vastenburg, Surakarta, the governor informed.
Participants will get to enjoy the beautiful scenery along the racing track, which passes several landmarks including Pawon, Prambanan, and Butuh Hamlet, known as Nepal van Java, in Magelang district, he added.
Mayor Raka lauded the bicycle race as a mark of tourism industry recovery in Central Java after the COVID-19 pandemic.
"We hope public activities would resume to normal as vaccination rate increases and COVID-19 infection cases decline. The bicycle race would arouse economic and tourism recovery in Surakarta, and more cultural events have been planned for the city," Raka said.
He said he did not make any specific preparations despite the race being his first.
"This is my first bicycle race and I have no specific preparation for it. The bicycle that I use in this race was even lent by Governor Pranowo," the mayor remarked.
Meanwhile, Tour de Borobudur XXI organizing committee head Hendra Dharmanto confirmed the race track is newly-devised from earlier races, and the race would take place in five stages.
"The first stage started today with 150 participants; all have been vaccinated. Besides tourist attractions, we will have art performances at every race point, as we will involve tourism villages on the race," Dharmanto added.

Tour de Borobudur momentum for C. Java tourism recovery: Pranowo

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo and Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka joined the participants of Tour de Borobudur XXI. ANTARA/HO-Surakarta Government