Jakarta (ANTARA) - State-owned pharmaceutical company PT Kimia Farma has expressed readiness to serve the first stage of Gotong Royong's individually-paid vaccination (VGR) in eight clinics in Java and Bali.
Kimia Farma's President Director Verdi Budidarmo said in a statement here on Sunday that it has been the right time to run self-paid vaccination services as the number of the COVID-19 cases in the country tends to keep rising.
For the first stage, the company has readied eight clinics in six cities.
Budidarmo said the company would gradually expand its coverage, including in malls in big cities.
"After launching the Gotong Royong paid-vaccination by companies, Kimia Farma offers a new option for the public to get self-paid vaccination. We are ready to serve individually-paid vaccination in our clinics across Indonesia. For the first stage, the service can be obtained in eight clinics in Java and Bali," Budidarmo said.
The vaccination would be conducted by Kimia Farma's subsidiary PT Kimia Farma Diagnostika (KFD).
KFD managed 422 clinics and 73 laboratories in the country.
Meanwhile, acting Director of KFD Agus Chandra said the individually-paid vaccination would initially be conducted in two clinics in Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta, and Senen in Central Jakarta.
"Starting next Monday, six other clinics will be ready namely KF Blok M (Jakarta), KF Supratman (Bandung), KF Citarum (Semarang), KF Sukoharjo (Solo), KF Sedati (Surabaya) and KF Batubulan (Bali," he said.
Total capacity of the eight clinics is expected to reach 1,700 participants per day.
The eight clinics for the first stage of individually-paid vaccination are:
1. Jakarta KF Senen, capacity 200 persons per day
2. Jakarta KF Pulogadung, capacity 200 persons per day
3. Jakarta KF Blok M, capacity 100-200 persons per day
4. Bandung KF Supratman (Drive Thru), capacity 200 person per day
5. Semarang KF Citarum, capacity 100 person per day
6. Solo KF Sukoharjo, capacity 500 person per day
7. Surabaya KF Sedati, capacity 200 person per day
8. Bali KF Batubulan, capacity 100 persons per day.