Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) called for the people to take part in a government-formulated vaccination program while earnestly requesting them to not be influenced by vaccine-related hoaxes.

"This vaccination is conducted to thwart the spread of COVID-19, so that the chain of transmission can be broken," Head of the Central MUI for the Da'wah Sector Cholil Nafis stated at the MUI Office, Jakarta, on Wednesday.

The MUI is currently inoculating 500 of its administrators in two batches.

In the first batch, 250 people were vaccinated on Wednesday, while the other half was covered in two weeks.

Through this measure, Nafis is upbeat about further strengthening the community to partake in the vaccination program and simultaneously ensuring a safe and halal-certified vaccine.

"We want to send across a message that the cleric has been vaccinated, so that the people follow the ulema and believe that this vaccine is safe," he affirmed.

During the vaccination activity conducted at the MUI, Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin directly reviewed the vaccination process and offered all recipients an understanding of the benefits of vaccines.

The health minister is optimistic that the efforts by MUI leaders would encourage the people to take part in the vaccination program, so that Indonesia can surmount over the COVID-19 pandemic crisis at the earliest.

"Thank-you friends. We are optimistic of commencing a vaccination movement for Indonesia. Please be supportive, so that, all people feel a sense of comfort and safety," Sadikin remarked.


Pewarta : Asep F, Azis Kurmala
Editor : Achmad Zaenal M
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