Tegal (ANTARA) - Clirit View is located in the middle of a pine forest on the slopes of Mount Slamet, Kalibakung Village, Balapulang District, Tegal Regency, introducing the Tegal language through paintings.

"We are introducing the Tegal language painting spot with the aim of introducing it to visitors," said Manager Clirit View Karim when contacted in Tegal, Tuesday.

He added that 75 of the paintings were made by the creative team at Clirit View. Each painting has a Tegal language which is introduced to visitors.

"In the Kamus Basa Tegal spot, we introduce some vocabulary such as brug which means bridge, mangan means eating, then there is mencolot which means jumping," he added.

Other than that Kamus Basa Tegal spot, Clirit View is often visited for community activities such as visits by kindergarten children, scouts, gymnastics and also live music.

Other facilities provided are also quite complete, including tree houses, glass bridges, mushola, toilets and Forest Cafe which are used during live music.

Meanwhile, visitor Risky Ita Fatmawati said that the photo spots in Clirit View were very interesting and the introduction of the Tegal language added to the uniqueness there.

"Tourism here does not cost a fortune, the entry ticket is only Rp.10,000 per person. I am also very satisfied with the cool view of the pine forest," she said.

She added that Clirit View is quite famous on social media.

Pewarta : Sintya Indarti
Editor : Mahmudah
Copyright © ANTARA 2025