Magelang (ANTARA) - Batik crafting, apart from the purpose of provisioning skills for patients of Magelang’s Prof. dr. Soerojo Mental Hospital, Central Java, was also part of the therapy program at the rehabilitation unit.

“Rehabilitation aims to maintain the patients’ condition that comes under psychological therapy,” Yulianto, coordinator of Service and Quality of the hospital, stated here on Thursday.

Though batik crafting was selected to be part of the program based on its traditional aspect, Yulianto highlighted the importance of its preservation. Batik was also part of the hospital’s activities since the Dutch East Indies colonization.

Furthermore, the mental hospital offers other crafting skills: silk-screening, agriculture, tailoring, souvenir-making, and cooking.

“After the hospitalization process, the patients will commonly become more stable and have a calm state of mind, as they are also ready to be guided for partaking in such a skill program in accordance with their own interests,” Yulianto stated.

To this end, Director of Medical and Treatment of the hospital, Nur Dwi Esthi, affirmed that treatments offered to people ailing from mental disorders were not solely restricted to medication since the factors are multifarious.

“The patient’s healing process did not only stop at the physical and psychological aspects but also concerned ways to impart social, cultural, and spiritual functions,” Esthi emphasized.


Pewarta : Heru Suyitno, Suwanti
Editor : Achmad Zaenal M
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